2 min readAug 22, 2020


In very simple terms.

I used to be that girl who merely wore Christianity as a tag. It was cool to believe in God but I neither lived in God nor God in me. I knew I lived in sin but I felt like I couldn’t help it. I wanted to make heaven but I wasn’t intentional about it. My life was moving purely on vibes (lol).

I finally decided to make the conscious decision to live more intentionally as a Christian and let me tell you one thing “ there is true fulfillment in truly knowing and identifying with God". Really truly.

Life makes more sense when we know and walk in God. Imagine living with a purpose. Imagine living with Heaven as your end goal. All your actions, thoughts and words are as intentional as ever.

It doesn’t matter that we have doubts or questions, the most important thing is to believe and strive to walk in His ways and I know that we may often think of ourselves as unworthy to be in his presence but there’s no such thing as “too sinful to make a redirection" or “too imperfect to be a Christian".

But how can we walk fully in Christ when we have doubts? How about you start this journey and let him handle the rest? Trust in his power to answer our questions and to quell our doubts.

We should know God based on our personal encounters with him and not who people have told us that he is. We shouldn’t be influenced by people’s opinions of him, all that matters is who and what God SHOWS us that he is.

My prayer is that we all encounter God at the critical moments of our lives. That we don’t live on this earth without experiencing His love in its truest and purest form and we can only do this when we come to Him.

Knowing God and being intentional in my relationship with him is the best thing that has ever happened to me and although I often worry about how to keep up but a good piece of advise is “don’t worry about how to live in Christ all the days of your life, instead strive to live in Christ every new day and the days will turn to weeks and weeks to months and months to years.

Christianity is not rocket science. Christianity is simply choosing God every day.

It all makes sense. Really, truly

